My photo
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Monday, July 21, 2008

Clowns on Stage

I love clowns. Here are a few of them.

I started collecting them around 20 years ago when I myself was a professional performing clown on the Sunshine Coast in QLD.

Looking at my clowns brings back fond and fun memories.

More about the history of clowns and clowning.

PS. I don't read Steven King novels or watch his movies :)

Learning Photography with Neil Creek

I liked how the composition of this photo turned out. I realise this pic is a little grainy and can't wait for my Canon! I used the window frame as a natural border and the curtains seemed to fit in well and make it look like they are on stage.

Neil Creeks Blog

1 comment:

the Albino Bowler said...

Nicely done. Witty words, killer photos. I've been to your page before but it's been a long time so I have bookmarked your address so I can come back and check in on you when I have the time. I do believe we share some interests. Like you, I am a big fan zeppelin and massage. Nice combo