My photo
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Monday, September 15, 2008

Crimson Rosella's in our Garden

I'm still trying to capture a really good close up of these wonderfully colourful birds we have as regular visitors in our garden. Here a few of the latest.

Crimson Rosella's often feed from the birdseed holder we have hung in the trees which are right outside our home office.

This was my week in photos. Hope you enjoy. Please don't hesitate to leave a comment and let me know if anyone out there in cyber land is reading my blog. I'm still learning it all and trying to refine and develop my blog into something that others are interested in reading about. Any and all feedback most welcomed ... especially the positive kind. :)

1 comment:

BookChook said...

Not only reading your blog but enjoying it and your pics very much. We live in Coffs Harbour and are fascinated by the spangled drongoes just now.

BTW I linked to you from Blog Catalog, where your blog (aussie in the title) caught my eye on the artful kisser's list of favourite blogs. But I know what you mean about the "is anyone out there?" comment. I seem to spend heaps of time promoting my blog but not sure if any result.