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Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

‘The gift you gave me’

This is something I wrote a few years ago to my eldest son Jai for his 21st Birthday. I couldn't be with him on the night as I was living on the Sunshine Coast in QLD. Jai was attending 'The Academy of Performing Arts' in Ballarat, Victoria. This was read out at his 21st birthday party which was held in Melbourne.

‘The gift you gave me’

I am sending these thoughts, feelings and reflections to you with all my love.
Although I could not be there tonight with you in the physical sense, I am with you tonight as always in spirit.

Let me try to describe the gift you have given to me,
It will be a major task, since it is difficult to describe in just a few words. I will try my best.

Your arrival 21 years ago was marked with anxiety and apprehension.
The journey you were about to embark on, was not one of which had been planned, but was without a doubt ‘meant to be’.

By far, the finest creative gift I could have ever have dreamed of … was you.


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