Taken in my garden. I know this isn't the sharpest photo around but I like the effect of the shimmering white petals against the dark background.
Please help me with naming my flowers.
As I have mentioned in my profile ... I live on an amazing property full of flowers, bushes, trees and flowering shrubs. There are so many all year round and I have been keeping a record of them all in photo's. As soon as I see something new sprouting up .. I take a photo of it.
I would love to put a name to my flowers but don't have much knowledge about them and was hoping for some help from others who may know what my flowers are.
If anyone who views my flower and garden photo albums recognise what they are I would so much appreciate them leaving a comment on the photo of the flower ... with both the common and botanical name if possible.
At the moment I am surfing the net .. looking for the same flowers and naming them but as you can imagine it is a labourious task..
Flower Set on Flickr
Garden Set on Flickr
Cheers and to all
Chrissy ~ Downunder ☺
Please help me with naming my flowers.
As I have mentioned in my profile ... I live on an amazing property full of flowers, bushes, trees and flowering shrubs. There are so many all year round and I have been keeping a record of them all in photo's. As soon as I see something new sprouting up .. I take a photo of it.
I would love to put a name to my flowers but don't have much knowledge about them and was hoping for some help from others who may know what my flowers are.
If anyone who views my flower and garden photo albums recognise what they are I would so much appreciate them leaving a comment on the photo of the flower ... with both the common and botanical name if possible.
At the moment I am surfing the net .. looking for the same flowers and naming them but as you can imagine it is a labourious task..
Flower Set on Flickr
Garden Set on Flickr
Cheers and to all
Chrissy ~ Downunder ☺
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