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Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Notes on Addiction

The things we do late at night when we should be in bed. I took this photo as a reminder to keep working on my addiction of smoking.

It has been a battle for me throughout my life. I have given up many times often lasting anywhere from one hour to 8 years. Well I'm trying again .. I've tried it all: patches, hypnosis, gum, filters and gone cold turkey. All without permanent success.

My doc and I are now having discussions about a new tablet out (It's not Zyban but something better, I have forgotten the name of it .. but will find out and post) He assures me that most of his patients who have battled with giving up have now done so with this new aid. I'm still mulching it over and researching it's properties, symptoms and side effects. In the meantime I am smoking my herbs and trying to rid my body of it's nicotine addiction. Wish me luck.

Taken with Ricoh Caplio R4 .. Happy with the shadowed effect of my hand taking a photo of my addiction .. and my daily note list seemed to fit in well. I did need to sharpen, crop and brighten the pic a little.

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